
Leipzig Research Institute Returns Stolen Artifact to Cyprus

Repa­tria­ti­on of an Anci­ent Sky­phos to the Repu­blic of Cyprus – Inten­si­ve Pro­ven­an­ce Rese­arch Leads to Suc­cess – Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween Leip­zig Insti­tu­te, Embas­sy...

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Pera-Frangissa • Season 2023

The results of the excava­tions in Fran­gis­sa in 2023 are ground-brea­king and mark an important suc­cess of many years of endea­vour. The remains...

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First publication out now! Alexander Malios Collection, Volume 1, Cypriot Antiquities

At the end of Sep­tem­ber 2023 the time has final­ly come: The first coll­ec­tion cata­log for the Alex­an­der Mali­os Coll­ec­tion (SAM) will be...

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Pera-Frangissa • Season 2022

Anci­ent sanc­tua­ries were intri­ca­te and mul­ti­face­ted sites that not only faci­li­ta­ted ritu­al prac­ti­ces but also ser­ved various social, poli­ti­cal, and eco­no­mic pur­po­ses. This...

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Museum of Cypriot Culture nurture hope for revitalization of the Markkleeberg Agra Park

By Rai­ner Küs­ter, published in the Leip­zi­ger Volks­zei­tung on June 23, 2022 Mark­klee­berg. The Leip­zig-based “Alex­an­der Mali­os Rese­arch Insti­tu­te for Cypri­ot Heri­ta­ge and Archeo­lo­gy”...

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Pera-Frangissa • Season 2021

In 2020, archaeo­lo­gists from the Uni­ver­si­ties of Frank­furt and Kiel suc­cee­ded in loca­ting the long-lost anci­ent sanc­tua­ry of Apol­lo at Tam­assos-Fran­gis­sa in a...

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Pera-Frangissa • Season 2020

Like many pro­jects in 2020, the Fran­gis­sa pro­ject has not remain­ed unaf­fec­ted by the coro­na pan­de­mic. A field school ori­gi­nal­ly plan­ned for spring...

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Quo Vadis AMRICHA — Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board 2019

The first mee­ting of the sci­en­ti­fic advi­so­ry board of AMRICHA non-pro­fit Orga­niza­ti­on took place on Tues­day, 05 Decem­ber 2019 in the rooms of...

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