The first meeting of the scientific advisory board of AMRICHA non-profit Organization took place on Tuesday, 05 December 2019 in the rooms of the institute in Leipzig. The participating advisory board members were Prof. Dr. Stephan Schmid (Humboldt-University Berlin), Dr. Sabine Rogge (Institute for Interdisciplinary Cyprus Studies), Dr. Matthias Recke (University of Frankfurt am Main) and Ms. Birgit Malios (Leipziger Kinderstiftung).

Important processes were decided at the meeting. On the one hand, the Advisory Board spokesman and his deputy were elected and the Advisory Board’s rules of procedure were adopted. This was followed by an initial overview of the establishment of AMRICHA non-profit Organization and its finances.
The plans and projects for 2020 were presented and discussed. It is planned to provide personal as well as financial support for the archaeological exploration to be established in Tamassos-Phrangissa under the direction of Dr. Matthias Recke from the University of Frankfurt am Main and a technological support for topographical measurement of the existing excavations in Idalion under the direction of Prof. Dr. Stephan Schmid from the Humboldt-University Berlin.
In direct cooperation with the Institute for Interdisciplinary Cyprus Studies Münster, a workshop on Cypriot Pottery will take place in April 2020 in the rooms of AMRICHA in Leipzig. The aim is to develop a handbook on archaeological ceramics from the Neolithic to the Roman period in Cyprus. The participants of the workshop are selected according to their specialization and should then spend several days in Leipzig. In addition, a public evening lecture is planned in cooperation with the Institute for Classical Archaeology at the University of Leipzig and the Department of Antiquities of the Republic of Cyprus.
Further AMRICHA projects include the development and publication of a collection catalogue and an institute’s own series of publications, the expansion of the institute’s social media and the 3D museum.

After the beginning of the first business year of AMRICHA non-profit organization 2019 after its foundation in July with the advisory board meeting has almost come to an end, everyone is looking forward to a contemplative Christmas season and the following new year 2020. There is a lot of work ahead but the team at AMRICHA NPO looks positively into the future and is already looking forward to tackling all of the aforementioned projects!