Quo Vadis AMRICHA — Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board 2019

The first mee­ting of the sci­en­ti­fic advi­so­ry board of AMRICHA non-pro­fit Orga­niza­ti­on took place on Tues­day, 05 Decem­ber 2019 in the rooms of the insti­tu­te in Leip­zig. The par­ti­ci­pa­ting advi­so­ry board mem­bers were Prof. Dr. Ste­phan Schmid (Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­ty Ber­lin), Dr. Sabi­ne Rog­ge (Insti­tu­te for Inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry Cyprus Stu­dies), Dr. Mat­thi­as Recke (Uni­ver­si­ty of Frank­furt am Main) and Ms. Bir­git Mali­os (Leip­zi­ger Kinderstiftung).

Important pro­ces­ses were deci­ded at the mee­ting. On the one hand, the Advi­so­ry Board spo­kes­man and his depu­ty were elec­ted and the Advi­so­ry Board’s rules of pro­ce­du­re were adopted. This was fol­lo­wed by an initi­al over­view of the estab­lish­ment of AMRICHA non-pro­fit Orga­niza­ti­on and its finances.

The plans and pro­jects for 2020 were pre­sen­ted and dis­cus­sed. It is plan­ned to pro­vi­de per­so­nal as well as finan­cial sup­port for the archaeo­lo­gi­cal explo­ra­ti­on to be estab­lished in Tam­assos-Phran­gis­sa under the direc­tion of Dr. Mat­thi­as Recke from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Frank­furt am Main and a tech­no­lo­gi­cal sup­port for topo­gra­phi­cal mea­su­re­ment of the exis­ting excava­tions in Ida­li­on under the direc­tion of Prof. Dr. Ste­phan Schmid from the Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­si­ty Berlin.

In direct coope­ra­ti­on with the Insti­tu­te for Inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry Cyprus Stu­dies Müns­ter, a work­shop on Cypri­ot Pot­tery will take place in April 2020 in the rooms of AMRICHA in Leip­zig. The aim is to deve­lop a hand­book on archaeo­lo­gi­cal cera­mics from the Neo­li­thic to the Roman peri­od in Cyprus. The par­ti­ci­pan­ts of the work­shop are sel­ec­ted accor­ding to their spe­cia­liza­ti­on and should then spend seve­ral days in Leip­zig. In addi­ti­on, a public evening lec­tu­re is plan­ned in coope­ra­ti­on with the Insti­tu­te for Clas­si­cal Archaeo­lo­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Leip­zig and the Depart­ment of Anti­qui­ties of the Repu­blic of Cyprus.

Fur­ther AMRICHA pro­jects include the deve­lo­p­ment and publi­ca­ti­on of a coll­ec­tion cata­lo­gue and an institute’s own series of publi­ca­ti­ons, the expan­si­on of the institute’s social media and the 3D museum.

After the begin­ning of the first busi­ness year of AMRICHA non-pro­fit orga­niza­ti­on 2019 after its foun­da­ti­on in July with the advi­so­ry board mee­ting has almost come to an end, ever­yo­ne is loo­king for­ward to a con­tem­pla­ti­ve Christ­mas sea­son and the fol­lo­wing new year 2020. The­re is a lot of work ahead but the team at AMRICHA NPO looks posi­tively into the future and is alre­a­dy loo­king for­ward to tack­ling all of the afo­re­men­tio­ned projects!