First publication out now! Alexander Malios Collection, Volume 1, Cypriot Antiquities

At the end of Sep­tem­ber 2023 the time has final­ly come: The first coll­ec­tion cata­log for the Alex­an­der Mali­os Coll­ec­tion (SAM) will be published after over 4 years of inten­si­ve work in the Alex­an­der Mali­os Rese­arch Insti­tu­te for Cypri­ot Archeo­lo­gy and Cul­tu­re (AMRICHA gGmbH) and will be pre­sen­ted as part of an evening event at the uni­ver­si­ty of Cyprus pre­sen­ted to the public.

Thanks to the tire­less work of Dr Ele­na Poy­ad­ji-Rich­ter, it has now been pos­si­ble to sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly pro­cess the first 320 objects from the pri­va­te coll­ec­tion, which com­pri­ses more than 1200 objects, and make them acces­si­ble to an inter­na­tio­nal audi­ence. The work, which was made signi­fi­cant­ly more dif­fi­cult in the con­text of the Covid19 pan­de­mic, is now final­ly ending in a 487-page important work on the archeo­lo­gy of Cyprus and the immense coll­ec­tion of Cypri­ot Anti­qui­ties based in Leip­zig, Ger­ma­ny. Among­st the­se arti­facts are cera­mics, lime­s­tone sta­tu­es and sta­tu­et­tes, ter­ra­cot­ta figu­ri­nes, coins, jewel­lery, metal and glass objects. They date across all peri­ods of anci­ent Cypri­ot art from the Neo­li­thic to the Roman periods.

The work is dedi­ca­ted to the Cypri­ot archaeo­lo­gist Prof Dr Vas­sos Kara­ge­or­ghis, who died at the end of 2021 and who initia­ted this publi­ca­ti­on. At his expres­sed request, the cata­log should appear pri­ma­ri­ly in Eng­lish and Ger­man. The Eng­lish volu­me is now finis­hed and we hope that this book will help to remem­ber his achie­ve­ments for Cypri­ot archeo­lo­gy, at least to some ext­ent — not least becau­se one of his most important con­cerns was to make the archeo­lo­gy of the island of Cyprus bet­ter known world­wi­de and to publish for­eign collections.

The publi­ca­ti­on is divi­ded into two parts, with the first part con­tai­ning intro­duc­to­ry texts and report­ing on the exten­si­ve pro­ven­an­ce rese­arch on the coll­ec­tion objects and the dif­fe­rent archaeo­me­tric ana­ly­sis. The second part is the enorm­ous cata­log of 320 sel­ec­ted objects from the SAM, which are pre­sen­ted with over 770 pho­tos and descri­bed and clas­si­fied using the latest know­ledge by 14 important sci­en­tists from the archeo­lo­gy of Anci­ent Cyprus. The arti­facts published in the volu­me are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by their uni­que arti­stry and rari­ty among their type, yet are also repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of Cypri­ot art. Some objects reflect Greek influen­ces, whilst others reflect an amal­ga­ma­ti­on of for­eign influences.

Spe­cial thanks from the Insti­tu­te go to Dr Poy­ad­ji-Rich­ter and the other aut­hors of the volu­me: Dr Peter Cosyns, Dr Sabi­ne Four­ri­er, Alex­an­der Gatz­sche, Dr Anna Geor­gi­a­dou, Dr Arte­mis Geor­giou, Prof Arte­mis Karna­va, Prof Vasi­li­ki Kas­sia­ni­dou, Dr Gabrie­le Koi­ner, Dr John Lund, Dr Evan­ge­li­ne Mark­ou, Dr Ser­gi­os Mene­laou, Ire­ne Pamer, Dr Niko­las Papa­di­mi­triou, Dr Joan­na Smith and Dr Chris­ti­ne Winkelmann.

The rich­ly illus­tra­ted publi­ca­ti­on with well docu­men­ted essays and ent­ries, intends to intro­du­ce to sci­en­tists and to the wider public a signi­fi­cant part of Alex­an­der Malios’s remar­kab­le coll­ec­tion of Cypri­ot Anti­qui­ties, one of the lar­gest of its kind.

The offi­ci­al pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the book will take place on Sep­tem­ber 27, 2023 at the Archaeo­lo­gi­cal Rese­arch Unit of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cyprus in Nico­sia. The exact pro­ce­du­re and access to this event will be infor­med sepa­ra­te­ly in advan­ce and the infor­ma­ti­on will be sup­ple­men­ted at this point.

An insight into the con­tents of the book can be found here: Link to

Infor­ma­ti­on and data about the book:

Refe­rence: E. Poy­iad­ji-Rich­ter (ed.), Alex­an­der Mali­os Coll­ec­tion, Vol. 1, Cypri­ot Anti­qui­ties, AMRICHA, Leip­zig, 2023.

For­mat: Hardcover

Num­ber of pages: 487

ISBN: 978–3‑9825397–0‑6

Purcha­se: via the home­page or via email info[at]

Pri­ce: 49,90€ — ship­ping is cal­cu­la­ted separately