An insti­tu­te for Cypriot
Cul­tu­re in Leipzig?

Cyprus is com­mon­ly asso­cia­ted with the god­dess Aphro­di­te, as she is belie­ved to have emer­ged from the sea in Paphos and ente­red the world of the mortals.

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Leipzig Research Institute Returns Stolen Artifact to Cyprus

Repa­tria­ti­on of an Anci­ent Sky­phos to the Repu­blic of Cyprus – Inten­si­ve Pro­ven­an­ce Rese­arch Leads to Suc­cess – Col­la­bo­ra­ti­on bet­ween Leip­zig Insti­tu­te, Embas­sy...

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Rese­arch und Publications

The AMRICHA non-pro­fit orga­niza­ti­on feels com­mit­ted to its foun­ding pur­po­se, the pro­mo­ti­on and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on of Cypri­ot cul­tu­re and histo­ry. In this con­text, we sup­port rese­arch pro­jects and publi­ca­ti­ons in this field of research.

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Funding creates future

AMRICHA non-pro­fit orga­niza­ti­on is com­mit­ted to cul­tu­ral exch­an­ge and the rese­arch of Cypri­ot cul­tu­re and histo­ry. It pur­sues this pur­po­se in the con­text of its cha­ri­ta­ble work by finan­cing the ope­ra­ti­on of the insti­tu­te as well as indi­vi­du­al pro­jects. For this we are pri­ma­ri­ly depen­dent on pri­va­te dona­ti­ons that come from peo­p­le and insti­tu­ti­ons that feel con­nec­ted to the sta­tu­to­ry pur­po­se of the AMRICHA non-pro­fit Organization.

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