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Collection Preview

INV: A 0016

Terracotta Torso of a Man

  • ca. 650–560 B.C.
  • Hand­ma­de tor­so of a man made of ter­ra­cot­ta. The should­ers drop slight­ly out­wards. The right arm is rai­sed, the left is not pre­ser­ved. The head bears the leaf-shaped eyes and the mouth con­sists of two hori­zon­tal lips. The nose is elon­ga­ted and has no nostrils. The ears are lar­ge and flat against the head. The hair falls down in a com­pact mass on the sides of the neck. Soft ver­ti­cal­ly seg­men­ted hel­met with upper end in three fal­ling back to tassels.
  • height: 27,7cm
  • 3D visua­liza­ti­on
INV: A 0269

Limestone head of a man

  • ca. 30 B.C. – 330 A.D.
  • Lime­s­tone head of a young man. Bro­ken at the neck. Sty­li­zed curls shape the hair­style. Leaf wreath enclo­sing from the back to the front. The ears are work­ed out. Round, straight mouth with slight­ly cur­ved lips. Short nose with ela­bo­ra­ted nostrils. Round almond-shaped eyes with shaped eyelids.
  • height: 12,7 cm
  • 3D visua­liza­ti­on
INV: A 0355
INV: A 0355

Bull-shaped Rython

  • ca. 1450–1200 B.C.
  • Hol­low cylind­ri­cal body with tubu­lar spout. The fil­ler ope­ning is loca­ted on the front hand­le. The bull has four short legs, two horns with atta­ched ears. The eyes are for­med from rings with inlaid round discs. The tail of the bull is pre­pared as a slight­ly rai­sed ridge. The rythos is pain­ted with bright, almost white stripes in con­trast to the dark, shi­ny mate­ri­al of the ves­sel body.
  • length: 14,8 cm
  • 3D visua­liza­ti­on
INV: A 0611

Jug of the Base-Ring I Ware

  • 1600–1450 B.C.
  • The body of the jug is apple-shaped with a con­ca­ve foot, whe­re­as the round neck ends in a wide open spout. The hand­le atta­ches to the upper should­er of the body and runs away from the neck and bends almost hori­zon­tal­ly onto the upper neck. As is typi­cal of the style, the ves­sel is cover­ed with seve­ral rid­ged bands, which are scrat­ched so that they are imi­ta­ting the shape of ropes. The split band forms a pat­tern and ends in loops. Ano­ther loop wraps around the base of the neck and runs loo­se towards the back. Two more straps span the neck at the point whe­re the hand­le starts. The hand­le its­elf has two lips on its sides.
  • height: 27,8 cm
  • 3D visua­liza­ti­on
INV: A 0690

Terracotta Head of a so-called „Temple boy“

  • ca. 220–30 B.C.
  • A head of a so-cal­­led “temp­le boy” from the temp­le of Apol­lon Hyla­tes near Curi­um in sou­thern Cyprus. The figu­re was hol­low and is bro­ken at the base of the neck. The body has not been pre­ser­ved. The face is round and has a broad nose, almond-shaped eyes with ela­bo­ra­te eyelids and a nar­row, slight­ly reces­sed mouth. The hair­line is visua­li­zed by a wreath of lea­ves. The back of the head is work­ed out smoothly.
  • height: 10,6 cm
  • 3D visua­liza­ti­on